Roll animation 'Arcane', the best animation award for Emmy Awards

Riot Games announced on the 5th that the League of Legends animation series, Arcane, won the Outstanding Animated Program.

Arcane co-producer Christian Linke said, This award is different for Arcane, based on the game.

Arcane is an animation series that deals with the rich city Philtover and the underground city, Jaun, and was aired on Netflix in November last year. The narrative of major characters such as 'Jace', 'Echo', 'Victor', and 'Silko' were drawn in three dimensions, focusing on 'by' and 'Jinx'..

In addition to the Best Animation Award in the Emmy Award, Arcane won the individual award in three areas: Production Design, Background Design, and Color. At the 49th Annie Awards, he achieved nine crowns including TV/media, character design, and script.


Since August, Riot Games has been introducing the process of making arcane through the documentary series 'Technology'. The first episode 'I only dream in risky' is recording 113 million YouTube views.

Arcane Season 2 is also being produced. As in the first season, Season 2 collaborates with Riot Games and Forty Productions, and major characters such as Bai and Jinx will also appear.


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